

SemwidgED is an online WYSIWYG editor that supports users during the process of enriching their blog or website with Linked Open Data. It is based on the widespread open source CKEditor, which is the default editor of many blogs, wikis, or other CMS environments.

The selection of SPARQL endpoints and resource elements is supported by a setup assistant, but can also be done independently. Due to the manner in which SemwidgJS widgets are programmed in JavaScript, the editor can read all available widget types and their properties and offer the appropriate selection elements and input fields. Depending on the property the editor offers different input options to prevent incorrect input.

The editor inserts the proper source code for the new widget into the WYSIWYG area, where it is processed immediately and displays the resulting HTML output. The editor provides an autocomplete/autosuggest feature for SemwidgQL queries, as well as a dialog-based assistant. The dialog provides an additional preview of the generated SPARQL query and its result as well.

If the editor is embedded into a blog or CMS environment, work can be saved as usual. Otherwise, generated content can be exported either as a text file or as a complete HTML document.

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