SemwidgJS / Built-in Widget Types

Built-in Widget Types

On this page, we provide an overview about the built-in widgets types of the standard SemwidgJS library. The SemwidgJS light version only contains a subset of these widgets types (SwText, SwResultTable, SwDebug).

Table of Content

Basic Widget Information

Property Types

Widget properties are classified by four types:

Name Description
fixed Once a value was set for this property, it cannot be changed anymore. For instance, this applies for data-swp-id.
static These properties cannot contain a query but only a regular string value. For instance, this applies for data-swp-endpoint
query These properties can contain SemwidgQL and SPARQL queries, but also static text or a combination of all these. Most properties belong to this type. Each property of this type creates several additional properties. These properties are listed in the next section.
selector Selectors are used by interactive widgets (such as the SwInputText widget) that are able to write data to other SemwidgJS elements. The selector describes to which element and to which property the data should be written. For instance, university.uri would select the resource from the previous Resource example and would allow a widget to change its uri value.

Basic Widget Properties

Each widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
Id fixed Unique identifier in SemwidgJS and HTML.
Endpoint static Default endpoint to use, if neither query nor value property define an endpoint.
Styleclass query CSS class name(s) applied to HTML.
Style query CSS styles applied to HTML.
Title query Title attribute applied to HTML, typically mouse over text.
Other query All other possible HTML attributes. Value of "other" will be inserted into HTML as it is entered.
Value query Value to display in HTML document. Typically, this is the most important property for every widget.


Following example requests all parties that participates in the 2013 German federal election (Bundestagswahl 2013) and shows the results in a table:

<div data-sw-widget="SwResultTable"
     data-swp-style="border-collapse: collapse;"
     data-swp-styleclass="sw-widget sw-widget-SwResultTable"
     data-swp-title="This is my Basic Widget Properties example"


Additional Query Properties

For each widget property of type query several additional properties specific attributes exist:

Name Description
*-endpoint Endpoint to use, if query does not define an endpoint.
*-order Comma-separated list of indices and optional order direction. Example: last - 1 asc, last desc
*-selector A selector function.
*-transform A transform function.
*-refresh Refresh Interval for widget property. SemwidgJS uses Later.js for parsing textual interval descriptions.
*-limit Number of maximum results for a query.
*-cache The duration query results will be cached. Minimum: 1 minute, Maximum: 7 days.

GUI Widgets


Debug (SwDebug)

A Debug widget does not have any properties in addition to the Basic Properties2.


Following example requests all parties that participates in the 2013 German federal election (Bundestagswahl 2013) and shows the results in a table. Additionally, the data of the value property and the generated SPARQL queries are displayed:

<div data-sw-widget="SwDebug"
     data-swp-style="border-collapse: collapse;"


Image (SwImage)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 an Image widget has the following property:

Name Type1 Description
alt query Specifies an alternate text for this image.


Following example requests the logo of the political party Die PARTEI and display the first result object as an image:

<div data-sw-widget="SwImage"
     data-swp-alt="Logo of {die_partei.rdfs:label}"></div>


Image Grid (SwImageGrid)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 an Image Grid widget has the following property:

Name Type1 Description
max query Specifies the number of maximum images to display.
max-width static Maximum width of each image. Default = 200px
max-height static Maximum height of each image. Default = 200px


Following example requests the logo of all political parties that participated at the German federal election (Bundestagswahl 2013) and shows the results in a grid:

<div data-sw-widget="SwImageGrid"


(Hyper-) Link (SwLink)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Link widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
label query Label of the created link.
target query The Links target. Possible values are "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top" or a framename.


Following example

<div data-sw-widget="SwLink"
     data-swp-label="More about {die_partei.rdfs:label}"


Map (SwOpenStreetMap)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Map widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
lat query Latitude.
long query Longitude.
zoom query Zoom level.
area query Coordinates of an outline describing an area.


<div data-sw-widget="SwOpenStreetMap"
     data-swp-style="height: 300px; width: 100%;"


SPARQL Result Table (SwResultTable)

A SPARQL Result Table widget does not have any properties in addition to the Basic Properties2.


Following example requests all parties that participates in the 2013 German federal election (Bundestagswahl 2013) and shows the results in a table:

<div data-sw-widget="SwResultTable"
     data-swp-style="border-collapse: collapse;"


List (SwSimpleList)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a List widget has the following property:

Name Type1 Description
max query Number of maximum elements to display


<div data-sw-widget="SwSimpleList"


Table (SwTable)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Table widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-indices static Comma-separated list of indices, default = last - 1
data-labels query Comma-separated list of labels
pivot static default = false


<div data-sw-widget="SwTable"
     data-swp-style="border-collapse: collapse;"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen} && elec_prop:number_of_first_votes > 0).[elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:number_of_first_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindices="last - 2, last - 3"
     data-swp-datalabels="{elec_prop:number_of_first_votes.rdfs:label}, {elec_prop:number_of_second_votes.rdfs:label}"


Text (SwText)

A Text widget does not have any properties in addition to the Basic Properties2.


Following example requests a description of the political party Die PARTEI and display the first result object as a text:

<div data-sw-widget="SwText"
     data-swp-value="{die_partei.rdfs:comment(@lang = 'de')}"></div>



Drop-Down List (SwDropDown)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Dop-Down List widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
target selector Element and property to change with input text. Example: mySemwidgId.value
label-index static default = last
value-index static default = last - 1


<div data-sw-widget="SwDropDown"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:Party).rdfs:label}"
     data-swp-valueindex="last - 1"></div>

<div data-sw-config="resource"

<div data-sw-widget="SwText"
     data-swp-styleclass="sw-widget sw-widget-SwText"
     data-swp-value="Selected Party: {myDropDownTarget.rdfs:label}"></div>


Text Input Field (SwInputText)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Text Input Field widget has the following property:

Name Type1 Description
target selector Element and property to change with input text. Example: "mySemwidgId.value"


<div data-sw-widget="SwSwInputText"

<div data-sw-config="resource"

<div data-sw-widget="SwText"
     data-swp-styleclass="sw-widget sw-widget-SwText"
     data-swp-value="Selected Party: {mySwInputTextTarget.rdfs:label}"></div>


Chart Widgets

Single Value

Doughnut Chart (ChartsDoughnutChart)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Doughnut Chart widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-index static default = last - 1
show-legend query default = true
colors static Comma-separated list of colors: (#FF00FF, #00FFFF) or a list of mappings: (mylabel: #FF00FF, default: #00FFFF)


<div data-sw-widget="ChartsDoughnutChart"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen}).[elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindex="last - 2"
     data-swp-colors="CDU: #000000, SPD: #E2001A, FDP: #FFED00, DIE LINKE: #DC0000, GRÜNE: #1FA12D, PIRATEN: #FF8800, NPD: #8b4513, AfD: #009EE0"></div>


Pie Chart (ChartsPieChart)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Pie Chart widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-index static default = last - 1
show-legend query default = true
colors static Comma-separated list of colors: (#FF00FF, #00FFFF) or a list of mappings: (mylabel: #FF00FF, default: #00FFFF)


<div data-sw-widget="ChartsPieChart"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen}).[elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindex="last - 2"
     data-swp-colors="CDU: #000000, SPD: #E2001A, FDP: #FFED00, DIE LINKE: #DC0000, GRÜNE: #1FA12D, PIRATEN: #FF8800, NPD: #8b4513, AfD: #009EE0"></div>


Polar Area Chart (ChartsPolarAreaChart)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Polar Area Chart widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-index static default = last - 1
show-legend query default = true
colors static Comma-separated list of colors: (#FF00FF, #00FFFF) or a list of mappings: (mylabel: #FF00FF, default: #00FFFF)


More than 100000 votes

<div data-sw-widget="ChartsPolarAreaChart"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen} && elec_prop:number_of_second_votes > 100000).[elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindex="last - 2"
     data-swp-colors="CDU: #000000, SPD: #E2001A, FDP: #FFED00, DIE LINKE: #DC0000, GRÜNE: #1FA12D, PIRATEN: #FF8800, NPD: #8b4513, AfD: #009EE0"></div>


Multiple Values

Bar Chart (ChartsBarChart)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Bar Chart widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-indices static default = last - 1
data-indices query Comma-separated list of labels.
show-legend query default = true
colors static Comma-separated list of colors: (#FF00FF, #00FFFF) or a list of mappings: (mylabel: #FF00FF, default: #00FFFF)


<div data-sw-widget="ChartsBarChart"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen}).[elec_prop:number_of_first_votes, elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindices="last - 3, last - 2"
     data-swp-datalabels="{elec_prop:number_of_first_votes.rdfs:label}, {elec_prop:number_of_second_votes.rdfs:label}"
     data-swp-colors="#EF7C00, #BD1789"></div>


Line Chart (ChartsLineChart)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Line Chart widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-indices static default = last - 1
data-indices query Comma-separated list of labels.
show-legend query default = true
colors static Comma-separated list of colors: (#FF00FF, #00FFFF) or a list of mappings: (mylabel: #FF00FF, default: #00FFFF)


<div data-sw-widget="ChartsLineChart"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen}).[elec_prop:number_of_first_votes, elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindices="last - 3, last - 2"
     data-swp-datalabels="{elec_prop:number_of_first_votes.rdfs:label}, {elec_prop:number_of_second_votes.rdfs:label}"
     data-swp-colors="#EF7C00, #BD1789"></div>


RadarChart (ChartsRadarChart)

In addition to the Basic Properties2 a Radar Chart widget has the following properties:

Name Type1 Description
header-index static default = last
data-indices static default = last - 1
data-indices query Comma-separated list of labels.
show-legend query default = true
colors static Comma-separated list of colors: (#FF00FF, #00FFFF) or a list of mappings: (mylabel: #FF00FF, default: #00FFFF)


<div data-sw-widget="ChartsRadarChart"
     data-swp-value="{*(@type = elec_class:PartyVotes && elec_prop:election = {bundestagswahl_2013} && elec_prop:district = {nordrhein_westfalen} && elec_prop:number_of_second_votes > 100000).[elec_prop:number_of_first_votes, elec_prop:number_of_second_votes, elec_prop:party.rdfs:label]}"
     data-swp-value-order="last - 2 desc"
     data-swp-dataindices="last - 3, last - 2"
     data-swp-datalabels="{elec_prop:number_of_first_votes.rdfs:label}, {elec_prop:number_of_second_votes.rdfs:label}"
     data-swp-colors="#EF7C00, #BD1789"></div>
