Download / SemwidgJS

Directly embed SemwidgJS into your website

If you want to try out SemwidgJS in your own website, you can directly embed the version that is hosted on our server. Please note that we are updating this version at irregular intervals. Therefore, in the future, the SemwidgJS might not work as expected anymore. If you are planning to use SemwidgJS in a productive environment, please download it and host it on your own server. The SemwidgJS link used below, will always refer to the newest compressed version.

How to embed:

Add the JavaScript files for jQuery and SemwidgJS to your website (currently, SemwidgJS does not work with jQuery v3.x.x):

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Follow the instruction of the Getting Started turotial to enrich your website with Linked Data stored in SPARQL endpoints.

Download SemwidgJS

We provide compressed as well as umcompressed versions of SemwidgJS. If you want to use SemwidgJS with your own developed widgets, you can use the light version. This version contains only the SwText and SwResultTable widgets and is about 25% smaller than the regular version.

Newest version (loading...)

All versions